Our First Champions Crowned

An exciting finish as we conclude the US Womens Championship! While last year we ended up with a solo first place finish, we had another year where several people were tied going into the last round, much like the previous two years.

WCM Avery Yu, a top ranked female under the age of 14 had a strong showing in 2023, going 4-1. This year with starting off 4-0, it was not going to be an easy task with Black, against WFM Badamkhand Norovsambuu, who has been participating in this tournament since 2017 and tying for first in 2022. Avery faced slow and increasing pressure against a Catalan, but Avery took advantage of a open g-file that was opened and WCM Smith surged ahead for a victory.

WFM Olivia Smith was the third 4-0 surpassing her 3.5-1.5 Black against Kaava Sakthisaravan 3.5-0.5. The game was relatively even on both sides throughout the game in a Kings Indian until Oliva made use of an open b-file, and an error was made by Kaava which led to a victory several moves later by WFM Smith.

Avery and Olivia are declared co-champions, but Avery edges out on tiebreakers for the first place trophy. Congrats to both Avery and Oliva, our first Champions of the Las Vegas Chess Festival! Final Standings can be found HERE

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